Data:20/11/2018 a 21/11/2018
Lloc: Aula Gabriel Oliver, Edifici Josep Carner (UB)

El projecte de recerca Phonetics-phonology-morphology interface phenomena from the perspective of linguistic variation, dirigit per les professores Maria-Rosa Lloret i Clàudia Pons-Moll, organitza tres seminaris sobre fonologia teòrica i variació. Es tracta d’activitats satèl·lit del workshop Phonological variation and its interfaces (22 i 23 de novembre, Universitat de Barcelona). Us hi esperem!

Programa de seminaris

Dimarts 20 de novembre (aula Gabriel Oliver)
15-16.15h Andries Coetzee (University of Michigan)
Variation in Optimality Theory and Harmonic Grammar (1)

16.30-17.45 Birgit Alber (Università di Verona)
Property Analysis

Property Theory (PT) aims to return the intensional core of a typological system in the form of its defining ranking conditions. These ranking conditions, the Typological Properties, give us access to the grammatical forces determining the system’s extensional surface traits. In this seminar, PT will be applied to the analysis of stress typologies. 

Dimecres 21 de novembre (aula Gabriel Oliver)
15-16.15h Andries Coetzee
Variation in Optimality Theory and Harmonic Grammar (2)